Skip The Use Can Be Late Rarity

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Skip The Use Can Be Late Rarity

The rarity of the death penalty’s use belies its alleged purposes of deterrence and retribution. The court is likely to apply the same analysis to the death penalty itself.

Have already ended capital punishment and the governors of three other states have halted executions. And may soon be added to the list of abolition states. Moreover, the use of the death penalty in states that retain it is decreasing. If the death penalty is being used by only a small number of states, and if there is a clear national trend away from capital punishment, the Supreme Court could find that it has become a cruel and unusual punishment under the Eighth Amendment. Only carried out executions in 2013, with most occurring in just two states:. Death sentences have since their peak in 1996. Public support for the death penalty is at a, with risk of executing the innocent as a primary concern.

The death penalty is rarely applied. When it is, irrelevant factors such as race, geography and the quality of legal representation play a larger role than the severity of the crime. Is Texas — the leading death penalty state in America — an exception to this trend? Death sentences in Texas have dropped since their peak in the late 1990s. The executions occurring in Texas today are cases from that earlier era.

Soon even Texas will only have a handful of executions each year. The rarity of the death penalty’s use belies its alleged purposes of deterrence and retribution. It is becoming largely irrelevant in American society and may not last another 10 years.

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Locked twins is a rare, hazardous obstetric complication. Herein, we report the rare condition of an unbooked case of locked twin that attended our labor room in late stage of labor with arrested after coming head of the first twin, which was dead. Caesarean section was performed to save the second baby. Antenatal diagnosis of twin gestation with leading twin breech and second twin cephalic presentation raises index of suspicion of potential locked twin. Timely done caesarean delivery could have avoided the fetal death.

Introduction Locked twins usually occur when the after-coming head of the first breech fetus is locked with the head of the second cephalic fetus. Of the different etiological factors, the most important are the ageand parity of the mother and the size of the twins. A large pelvis with relatively small infants and decreased liquor volume following rupture of membranes are thought to be factors favoring interlocking. This complication of twin delivery occurs rarely, 1 in every 90,000 deliveries or 1 in every 1000 twin deliveries.[] It is thus felt justifiable to report this case. Case Report An unbooked primigravida aged 31 years was admitted to the labor room with arrested after-coming head of breech. The patient was not aware of her last menstrual period.

On examination, her vitals were stable. Per abdominal examination revealed uterine fundal height of 28 weeks’ size and a fetal heart rate of 136 beats/minute, auscultated just above the level of the umbilicus.

No heart sound was found for the first baby. Vaginal examination showed the head of the second baby [].

How To Install Second Hard Drive Dell Xps 8300 Graphics. It was then realized that the head felt above the symphysis pubis was that of the first twin. As the locking was so tight and the second baby's fetal heart beat was still present, lower segment caesarean section (LSCS) was performed in the interest of the surviving baby. After disimpaction of the head vaginally, the second baby weighing 1.2 kg was delivered abdominally by breech. The baby was then handed over to the pediatrician.

The first baby weighing 1 kg, which was already dead, was delivered vaginally. Placental examination showed it to be a monochorionic diamniotic twin. The second baby was discharged after 2 weeks of observation in the pediatric intensive care unit.

The mother had an uneventful post-operative stay in the hospital and was discharged subsequently. The patient was seen in the postnatal clinic 6 weeks later. She was well with healed abdominal wound and involuted uterus. Discussion Locked twins is a rare complication of twin delivery when the first baby presents as breech and second one being in cephalic presentation. Predisposing factors of locking are usually small babies, large pelvis, primigravida, oligohydramnios, uterine hypertonicity, early rupture of the second sac, and monochorionic monoamniotic twins. When size of babies is large, they tend to lock above the pelvic inlet, and small twins lock after descent into the pelvis. Locked twins can be avoided by cesarean delivery in all cases in which first baby is not vertex.